Committing to a business loan is a big step, and being cautious is the right approach! There are risks with any financing decision, but there are also opportunities to future proof your business!
So when is the right time?
Here are some common areas that highlight when you might need to consider making that decision…
A need for extra space or new equipment
Extra cash at the right time can help to expand a businesses inventory and meet demand, fill the gaps of staff absence or a shortage in resources, invest in much needed equipment upgrades and more! If it’s the right time, a loan should help to increase business allowing you to pay off any loan you’ve invested in
Business’s Off-Season
Seasonal businesses have slower month, and those offset months can be the cause of financial difficulty at times, resulting in price slashes and even staff layoffs.
There’s an opportunity to even out cash flow with a loan to help you flourish throughout the year. Banks often prefer businesses with consistency in their income, however CIF can work with you to provide a structure that works.
Your Business Is Doing Well!
Funnily enough, often the best time to ask for a business loan is when you don’t need one. Securing a great loan when things are good could be a fantastic opportunity to secure your financial future.
Build Credit for the Future
By borrowing, you can improve your credit history, and strong credit is the best way to bigger and better financing when you need it!
Taking Opportunities
Maybe you’ve come across an opportunity not to be missed, but you’re short of resources for the final hurdle…
When something comes along that you’re confident will work in favour of your businesses future, a loan is something worth considering. CIF can get a deal sorted for you quickly, allowing you to take an opportunity before it’s too late…
At CIF we offer a variety of loan solutions for both businesses and individuals, so if you’re interested in finding out more contact Channel Island Finance to arrange a coffee today.